A Blue Line In The Field Of Education : IB GLOBAL ACADEMY

The combination of various methods that integrate with the fundamental principles of humanism operates within the intricate stages of the life cycle. These methods enhance their efficacy by examining biological, cognitive, and sociocultural factors. In the International Baccalaureate program, psychology, like other approaches, concentrates on analyzing multiple levels of analysis that function in conjunction.

IB Psychology Courses

The Psychology faculties at IB GLOBAL ACADEMY are well-equipped with various approaches and subjects, including neuroplasticity, pheromones, behavior, biases in thinking, culture’s impact on cognition, enculturation, and acculturation. This makes learning accessible and aids in decision-making.

Our IB Psychology teachers and scholars aim to help students develop the skill of questioning, a fundamental aspect of the IB curriculum’s inquiry process. We encourage students to interact with each other, create questionnaires, and define terms, which cultivates curiosity and research skills.

We provide ample resources to our students, including notes, tasks, and revision assistance, to help them gain control over the subjects’ core concepts. Our experienced teachers use innovative teaching methods and troubleshooting skills to make the learning process interesting and engaging.

We offer IB home tuitions and classes at our well-furnished centers, as well as online classes, keeping in mind the students’ comfort. Our motto is “Quality Education: A Result Committed.”